
Laura Faber-Morris

Laura will travel to you,

teaching you Practical Integrated Tools

Integrated Bodywork

Highly trained in anatomy and physiology of horses, Laura intuitively incorporates multiple modalities into her work. Optimizing your horse’s health and well-being enhances your success with your horse. 

Masterson Method®, works with the horse’s nervous system to release stress and stiffness,  improving performance. 

Tellington TTouch ®, offers solutions to behavioral and physical problems and teaches horses to think and act rather than re-act. 


As a movement specialist, Laura works with horses and humans on the ground to restore the nervous system and create a safe, understandable learning environment. 

Laura integrates Tellington TTouch ® Groundwork and Connected Groundwork ® to create a weight-bearing posture, increasing the functionality and longevity of our equine partners. 


Integrating concepts from Connected Riding® as well as personal experience, intuition and education, Laura offers personalized and customized sessions. Beginning with postural self-awareness, Laura brings confidence and empowerment to both horse and rider. 


Through understanding how horses move and how and where they carry stress, Laura is able to intuitively integrate her knowledge, training and experience to rehabilitate both horse and rider.

Kids in Connection®

Laura wrote the Kids in Connection® manual, promoting how to teach horsemanship to children based on the principles of TTEAM-CONNECT® (Tellington TTouch Equine Awareness Method and Connected Riding).

Supportive Modalities

Laura incorporates a number of supportive modalities into her work for optimum health and performance of horses, including BEMER® blankets for vascular therapy, free choice herbs, essential oils, Thera-tree® devices, and Murdoch Method’s SURE FOOT® Equine pads to change posture and movement in horses through self awareness.


Laura offers customized workshops at any facility.

She is a certified Connected Riding® and Connected Groundwork® instructor, as well as an Equine Level 2 Tellington TTouch® practitioner. She also offers specific workshops in Masterson Method®; certified as a weekend seminar instructor, coach and certified practitioner.

Please email text or call for current prices, references and referrals.