Helpful links to people and Services:

Bodywork Resources:

Masterson Method® is a unique, interactive method of equine bodywork that anyone can learn, to help build trust with the horse. Years of stress and stiffness can often be resolved in a few sessions, by relieving built-up tension in core muscles and key junctions of the body that affect the horse’s performance.

Connected riding® teaches you how to ride from the inside (by feeling), to the outside (by action). It provides you with an awareness of body and movement that empowers you to move in harmony with the horse. Peggy Cummings teaches connection that allows us to perform better, to communicate better, and to nurture our personal relationship with our horses.

The Tellington Method deepens the relationship with your animals, improves behavior, enhances performance, supports health and well-being and fosters learning. Developed by internationally recognized animal expert, Linda Tellington-Jones, this method is based on cooperation and respect for all animals and their people.

SUREFOOT® Equine Stability program is a unique, innovative way for the horse to be his own teacher. Developed by Wendy Murdoch, this revolutionary way of improving your horse’s balance, confidence, movement and performance 

BEMER® devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field  to deliver a patented therapeutic signal, stimulating healthy muscles and temporarily increasing blood circulation. 

The BEMER® blanket for horses promotes healing and recovery and supports regeneration. It enhances suppleness – a prerequisite for motivation and willingness to learn – so your horse can exercise more effectively.

Thera-Tree® is a therapeutic and performance enhancing device based on Smart Ride Rx saddle tree technology from Tad Coffin Performance Saddles.

When placed on a horse’s back, it demonstrates signs of physical relaxation — quieting of movement, blinking of eyes, stretching the jaw, sometimes the whole body. After 20 minutes with the girth on, Thera-Tree®  consistently and significantly alleviates equine back pain and sore muscles, reduces stress, anxiety and tension.