
Laura Faber-Morris

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I have loved horses since a child and have always sought out ways to improve my skills of groundwork and riding.   After years of lessons and competitions, I was feeling like I no longer knew how to ride!  My riding also didn’t feel horse-friendly anymore. I was feeling discouraged.   Starting with my very first lesson, Laura Faber-Morris has been and continues to lead me on a journey like no other instructor has. Her quiet, reassuring, focused, insightful guidance has helped me find a connection with my horses, both in riding and the groundwork, that goes deeper than I thought possible. I love that she can pull ideas from a wide base of knowledge letting the horse tell us what seems to work best. With Laura’s help, while riding I feel like a kid again! Riding is fun again!  I am beginning to feel the same joy which I used to feel before lessons and competition took away the fun. Working with Laura and watching her work with others reminds me of how important it is to be present with our horses and life in general.  My horses and I just Love it!”

- Kim Parson


I honestly can’t say enough positive things about Laura. If there was one negative it would be that we live in different states, and I don’t get to work with her nearly as often as I would like! She is so knowledgeable in many areas of working with horses. Not only in helping both horse and rider find balance (physical and mental) on the ground and in the saddle, but she is also a certified Masterson Method body worker. She has helped me immensely learn to think outside the box, and not get stuck in any one way of training. Always striving to do what’s best for the horse. As I am aging and not nearly as athletic as I once was, I was convinced the best thing I could do for my horse is stop riding altogether. But Laura has helped me see, that in spite of my inadequacies , I can still be an effective and thoughtful rider.  After years of dressage lessons it’s so nice to feel like I don’t have to be perfect!  Not to mention Laura’s got an amazing sense of humor. Her lessons are not only productive, but fun!!!!

-Sabra Alvarez


When I first brought my horse to Laura, she was so skiddish that it took two people to lead her into the arena. My horse and I were both scared. I had been at a loss for what to do. Over the course of several years, Laura did body work on her, worked with us on the ground and in the saddle. She got us both to the point where we felt comfortable riding in the indoor and outdoor arena, and even out on the trail, which I never thought possible.

Nothing felt more empowering!

Although my horse has conformational issues, Laura met us both where we were at. She figured out how to work with us both to bring us to a place where we felt successful. Sessions with Laura are always fun and educational. I love knowing the “why” behind the “how”. She left me with skills that I understood and took home with me.

Laura is truly gifted in her abilities to read and work with both horses and humans!

-Jen Hintz Guse


Laura is a dynamic teacher – humorous, empathetic and conscientious.
As a professional, her integrity and honesty or a commendable. I am proud that Laura is a Connected Riding instructor and part of our team of international equestrian educators.

-Peggy Cummings

Founder of

Connected Riding®