I have loved horses since a child and have always sought out ways to improve my skills of groundwork and riding. After years of lessons and competitions, I was feeling like I no longer knew how to ride! My riding also didn’t feel horse-friendly anymore. I was feeling discouraged. Starting with my very first lesson, Laura Faber-Morris has been and continues to lead me on a journey like no other instructor has. Her quiet, reassuring, focused, insightful guidance has helped me find a connection with my horses, both in riding and the groundwork, that goes deeper than I thought possible. I love that she can pull ideas from a wide base of knowledge letting the horse tell us what seems to work best. With Laura’s help, while riding I feel like a kid again! Riding is fun again! I am beginning to feel the same joy which I used to feel before lessons and competition took away the fun. Working with Laura and watching her work with others reminds me of how important it is to be present with our horses and life in general. My horses and I just Love it!”